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Favorite Reads

My Favorite Reads

A picture is worth a thousand words. Someone else’s words are worth a thousand pictures.

Here you can find my favorite words (and pictures) from someone else.

The Mindless Tyranny of ‘What if it Changes?’

In my first year at Amazon, I saw a lot of ‘what if it changes?’ in discussions and code reviews. Speculation-driven design was fatiguing, but it was easy to follow along and live with it.

This blog post popped up on Hacker News and it taught me that I didn’t have to take everything everyone said as a universal truth. Thanks, Chris!

XKCD 2030 - Voting Software

Sorry, I know it’s cliché to put an XKCD comic on a software developer’s blog. This will be the only one, I promise.

I quote this one almost daily.

I don’t quite know how to put this, but our entire field is bad at what we do, and if you rely on us, everyone will die.

Bucatini Shortage Investigation

This one is just a fun read, but it also pointed me towards trying bucatini for the first time.

Rachel Handler is 100% correct, Bucatini does bite back.

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